To get to know us.

ten steps10 was founded in 2013 in the city of Larissa in Greece and among its other services it also has a specialized and succesfull service for the field of gastronomy and hospitality. 
----The activities of ten steps10 gastronomy services for more than 20 years spread in Greece and abroad with specialization in Greek cuisine and hospitality.
Gaining experience, studying and researching the position of Greek cuisine and hospitality abroad, we drew our own conclusions and based on these, we created GREEK CUISINE ON LINE COURSES.

---Being a geographical crossroads, Greece for thousands of years experienced many border changes, colonized dozens of regions far away but close to it. Keeping its taste identity over the centuries, it managed to integrate products and flavors into its vast recipe book, but also to leave its own characteristics in other culinary traditions. 
---The global need for a new concept in our diet inevitably brings and will bring many other changes and needs, so trends will be created to meet our new needs.

---Greek cuisine is suitable to cover a large part of these new needs.
Created with / Δημιουργός.